Sometimes we wanna keep it simple, but not sacrifice flavor and quality. Around the holidays there's a lotta pressure to cook big extravagant meals, but lots of reasons why we may not want to. If you've been called upon to host a group and feel a little in over your head, or you're bringing stuff to a bigger gathering, there's a recipe below to fit the need. This blog covers some traditional Thanksgiving staples that you can serve up with ease.
This year for Thanksgiving, give the white meat a spin! No more dry, overcooked, and stringy breast meat. Cooking with Anova makes it makes for perfectly cooked, moist meat, and crispy skin.

Smashed potatoes are a fun cross between a fluffy baked potato and a crisp French fry. Typically, the potatoes are boiled or roasted, smashed flat, and finished in a hot oven; by using the Anova Precision Cooker, these tasty treats can be infused with all kinds of flavors. Here, seal the potatoes with olive oil and garlic cloves, but you could add fresh herbs or spices of your choice.

Sous vide carrots are one of our favorite things to make. People always underestimate them and yet every time we serve them there are no leftovers and everyone asks for the recipe! Perfectly tender with just the right amount of caramelized sweetness.
Precision cooking is a actually a great method for producing tender, moist yeasted breads like dinner rolls. The controlled temperature makes it impossible to overcook the bread, leading to delicious results every time. Plus, you can get out any of your work stress when kneading the dough! Pull out these sous vide dinner rolls for your next dinner party.
It's Turkey Time
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