Make Amazing Anova Eggs
Eggs are possibly one of the most versatile foods in existence. We use them in baking, desserts, and breakfasts all around the world. We poach, we fry, we bake, we scramble...the preparations are endless. Eggs are often finicky when cooked traditionally; overcooking or undercooking ruins in a matter of seconds. Poached eggs can be a messy nightmare and everyone knows it. So what about the best eggs ever? With the precise temperature control of Anova, you can make sure every egg turns out exactly how you envision. A change as small as two degrees results in an entirely different texture, as you’ll see below. Thanks to Anova’s accuracy within 0.01°, you can ensure sous vide eggs turn out exactly how you want them time after time.Sous Vide Egg Guide
It’s all about precision. Eggs are like any other food, and cooking at certain internal temperatures creates different characteristics than at other temperatures. A change in just a few degrees can dramatically impact results. To get exactly what you want with your Anova eggs, you need down-to-the-degree temperature control. Get started on some epic sous vide eggs with these time and temperature combinations that will help take your game to the next level. Tests were conducted using standard grocery store large sized eggs, cooked straight from the refrigerator. After cooking, each egg was cracked directly from the shell onto the plate, no finishing steps required. Find your favorite combo below.
Set your sous vide egg temperature.
145°F / 62.8°C for 45 minutes
- Yolk is runny
- Whites that are barely set

145°F / 62.8°C for 1 hour
- Yolk is runny, and has a semi-thick jam-like consistency.
- Whites set, and are more firm.

145°F /62.8°C for 1.5 hours
- Yolk is very thick and creamy.
- Tighter whites, close to fully set.

147°F / 63.9°C for 45 minutes
- Yolk has a thick custard like texture and is spreadable.
- Whites closer to fully set.

167°F / 75°C for 13 minutes
- Yolk is very thick with a fudge-like consistency and is not runny.
- Fully set whites.