There is nothing we can say or do that properly conveys how much love we have for Moms across the world, but we are going to attempt it! Every so often, as we're scrolling social media and our community pages, someone JUMPS off the page and stops us in our tracks. Christina Toh did just that. Ever since she unboxed her Anova Precision® Oven, she has been sharing her creations far and wide and has inspired thousands! Meet Christina below!
Q: Hi Christina! We are so excited to highlight you this Mother's Day. Tell us about yourself!
A: I grew up in the Bay Area for most of my life, while my husband grew up in Italy. We met in San Francisco, and lived and worked there for a few years. We moved to Singapore shortly after I had my first child for my husband’s work. I’m currently a stay at home mom so that I can focus on raising our boys during their tender years. We have a 3 year old preschooler, and a 6 month old starting his food journey.

Q:What does meal time look like on a daily basis?
A: I like to cook during the weekday, as we tend to eat out on the weekends. Breakfast and lunch is usually different for everyone, and dinner we all eat the same meals. My eldest, enjoys some type of egg, bread and fruit/yogurt for breakfast. His brother, will now have a baby led weaning friendly version of his meal. My husband and I usually just have coffee for our breakfast.
For lunch, it can range from fish and chips, chicken tenders, sandwiches, pasta, banh mi, pho, etc... my son generally will ask for certain dishes that he particularly likes.
Dinner is our time as a family to all sit together to eat, so it’s a pretty big deal in our house. I love cooking a variety of different cuisines, especially because my husband and I come from different backgrounds (I’m Vietnamese American, he’s Singaporean but grew up in Italy). I also think it’s important to expose children to different cuisines and flavors to broaden their palate. I tend to rotate between Vietnamese, American, Italian, Korean, Japanese and Chinese dishes the most. Sure fire hits are usually: pho, any type of roasts (especially lamb!), pastas, porchetta, and crispy roasted pork belly.

Q: How has the Anova Precision Oven made an impact in your home?
We absolutely love the Anova! I love that I can use one machine to essentially make almost a full meal for my family. The temperature precision is amazing, and my family loves the food that it can produce. I haven’t used my microwave, toaster, air fryer, large oven, and even stove too much since we’ve received our Anova Precision® Oven. One some days, especially when I bake bread, then it’s essential on for most of the day. It has by far produced the best: roasts, breads, and desserts that we’ve had!

Q: What are your favorite things to cook?
I’m one of those quarantine bakers :) But it has since turned into a full fledge passion and what I rely on to unwind. Everything from sourdough, baguettes, banh mi, brioche, and Shokupan. My eldest loves to help out in the kitchen, here he is prepping some mushrooms for a beef pie that we’re going to bake. He recently asked me “mommy, why do you always use this oven? Is our other oven broken?”

Q: What is something you haven't attempted but want to try?
I want to attempt to make Choux pastry next. It’s one of those pastries that are very fickle if not cooked at the exact right and even temperature (something that my built in oven cannot do but the APO can!)