Shipping Update

Hello Anova Community! We hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is enjoying the holiday season. Here are the latest updates with respect to Kickstarter and pre-order fulfillments as well as the app. Kickstarter Shipping Status: For our Kickstarter backers, here is the current status of the last update we provided.
  • Black 120's: completed on 11/29, will be received by 12/25
  • Red/White 120's: completed on 12/6, will be received by 12/25
  • Red/White & Black 220's: on track for completed fulfillment by 12/25 (these are being fulfilled in order of backer ID)
Pre-order Shipping Status: We are happy to report that ALL pre-order placed before 11/24 (prior to when the gift box promotion went live), will be fulfilled and received by 12/25. Again, we wish we could have caught up with all pre-orders in time for the holiday, however we tried to provide a least incentive for those who will not be able to have their units by the holidays. We hope that the discount and gift box will hold you over until you receive your unit the first week in January. *note: the only 120's that have not shipped are those who ordered along with a 220, have incomplete shipping information, or requested a change to their shipping address. The App: We decided to devote all of our resources to getting all of our pre-orders fulfilled and caught up, which as a result, has pushed back the release of the app slightly. We plan to submit the app for approval in the next few weeks, and release it at the beginning of January. We want to make sure and deliver the best possible experience when we go live with this. From the Kitchen of our Community: We've seen so many incredible tweets, posts, and pictures of what people have been making thus far, and wanted to share some of the early experiences with the rest of the community. Please continue to share with us on social media, or send them directly to I've made so many cool things in the short month since I received my Anova Precision Cooker. I'm really surprised at how versatile the tool really can be. It doesn't just excel at making perfectly rare steaks, but I've also used it to cook tender sweet potatoes, to keep side dishes piping hot at Thanksgiving, to make custom deli meats for the week ahead, to perfectly temper chocolate for Christmas confections, and to top everything my heart desires with 62 degree eggs. The best thing I've made so far has to be a leg of lamb that I seasoned, sealed, and cooked at 140 degrees for 8 hours. After it came out of the water bath, it just needed 15 mins in a 500 degree oven to brown and it made an amazing main course for a family dinner while keeping my oven available for other uses the rest of the evening. I would say the best part of cooking this way is that it allows me to sit down and spend time with people instead of being trapped in the kitchen when I have company, but really the best part is the food. -Jenn: Raleigh, NC
@JamesAHogan: Tonight at The "H" Bistro. 70 day dry aged bone-in Ribeye from @patlafrieda. Thanks @AnovaSousVide #EatBetterFoo
@WenCYap: Sous vide soy chicken cooked to perfection, 5 hours at 64.5degC with my favorite tool @AnovaSousVide B5AXE6OCEAAXeSN
We're so excited to be completing fulfillment for all pre-orders at this point, and cannot wait to provide you with the worlds best Sous Vide machine. We also are building a library of incredible Sous Vide recipes for you to use in tandem with your Precision Cookers, or even the Anova One. You can access this content now at In the meantime, please let us know if we can answer any additional questions you may have at
Thank you again, and happy holidays! Team Anova
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