Super Bowl LI is almost here - and we’d love your help putting together the most awesome game day prep guide in existence. We want to reward you for helping, too. So we’ve decided to throw a weeklong challenge with a Precision Cooker giveaway to collect as many great tailgating recipe ideas as possible!
Photo source: Ticketmaster
It’s easy!- Post pictures of your favorite homemade, sous vide Super Bowl food on Instagram while tagging it with #anovasuperbowlchallenge
- To qualify, posts must be received by 11:59pm, PST on February 5, 2017
- Pics must include: a) Recipe in the comments, including time, temperature, ingredients, and process, and b) A visual of your Anova Precision Cooker! (See a couple of examples of incorporating your Anova into the photo with these pics below shot by Chef Nicole.)
Game Day Bacon Caramel Popcorn made with Sous Vide Salted Caramel
Sous Vide Ribeye Flatbread with Caramelized Onions, Blue Cheese, and Thyme
Winners will be posted on Monday, February 6, 2017.
Chosen by the dynamic duo of former four-time Pro Bowl, three-time All Pro, Super Bowl champion Lawyer Milloy and Anova's own fabulous Chef Nicole, ONE lucky winner will receive a brand new Wifi Anova Precision Cooker and they plus four more winners will:- Be featured in our Monday Super Bowl Recap Post
- Be promoted across all of our social media channels - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
- Have their recipes added to both the Anova Culinary recipes library and app
- Receive an Anova Food Nerd T-shirt
Former NFL superstar, current #anovafoodnerd, and handsome devil @lawyermilloy sporting his Anova Food Nerd shirt!
The Anova Culinary Sales & Marketing team in our shirts at CES 2017!
And ONE grand prize winner will receive a brand-spanking new Anova Precision Cooker!TOUCHDOWN!!!