cook sous vide with wifi

Cloud Cooking — Welcome to the future!

Hi! My name's Rod, and I recently joined Anova to lead our software team. Before joining, I would never pretend to be a kitchen whiz, but once I met with the team here, heard about their vision for the future of the kitchen, and confirmed our shared belief that software and hardware working together is what makes the best products, I had to join. And today, I'm proud to announce the release of the first version of our Anova WI-FI app for iOS, available to download for free in the App Store. In conjunction with our WI-FI Precision Cooker, for the first time you can start cooking food and monitoring its progress from anywhere—your kitchen, your sofa, the gym, or that long bus-ride home! This is something that isn't possible with any other device on the market today, and it is only achievable by the smart combination of hardware and software. This is a tremendous achievement, the result of months of collaboration between hardware designers and software engineers; product managers and interface designers; industry experts and users like you. But while all of us at Anova are thrilled to get this version into your hands, in many respects this is just a starting line. One of the beautiful things about connected devices is that we can keep building new and improved software for it, enhancing the experience. As we develop new features, your cooker will become smarter! We're already hard at work on our next version, and have a roadmap full of exciting features:
  • Integrating Kenji López-Alt's time & temperature guides. Cooking the perfect medium-rare steak shouldn't take more than a couple of taps!
  • Scheduling your cook. Tell us what you're cooking and when you want it ready, and we'll take care of the timing — and monitor your cooker to make sure your food is safe.
  • An API for developers. Write your own apps to control your cooker, or take advantage of tools like IFTTT to create rules to simplify your life.
  • Accessibility features. Our app will provide a whole new way to cook for users who otherwise may find it difficult. With Anova, everybody has a seat at the table.
  • iPad compatibility. An expanded user interface to make recipe browsing a breeze.
  • And oh, so much more! But I don't want to spoil the surprise!
(And Android users, we're getting close to having the first beta of our WI-FI app for you folks soon! Sign up for our testers list if you'd like to help test it.) As I mentioned before, I consider the WI-FI app to be a collaboration with our users. Our goal is to make you all as succesful as possible, and your feedback truly helps guide us as we plan our functionality. Don't be shy about tapping the "Send Feedback" button in the app! Enjoy cooking from anywhere! Rod is the VP of Software Engineering at Anova Culinary. Prior to Anova, he was Co-founder & CTO at Sosh, and has led software teams at Google and Slide. He once bummed a cigarette from David Bowie.
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I’m also wondering on the API front, especially for IFTTT, when is this expected to come? Is there a way to get on a list for trying it out early?

Justin Warner

Is the API still coming? I just got a 3.0 and would really like to use with my own home automation programs instead of having to pull out my phone and start the sous vide at the same temperature every day I’m home.

Chris Redford

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